China claims south-china sea

Yet another territorial dispute along the Chinese border, due to its aggressive expansion policy, China had managed to be hostile to most of its neighbouring nations.

We will be understanding the dispute, the importance of the South China Sea, its benefactors and how India can step up and offer a solution to the South China Sea crisis. Let's start!

Economic Importance of the South China Sea

The trade that is conducted through south china amounts to 30% of the global trade which amounts to 3 trillion USD (i.e. more than India’s GDP), and the fishery conducted in the area amounts to 10% of the global fishery market. Additionally, the entire region is estimated to have around 11 billion barrels of oil and more than 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

Dispute In The South China Sea

Map showing EEZ of the claimant states and 9 dash line claimed by China.
China claims the entire south-china sea to be its very own territory since the end of WW2. To govern the vast ocean and bring peace and ensure seamless navigation of the sea UN Law of Sea was established as an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) was introduced. An EEZ is the country’s claim over the water surrounding the nation's maritime coast for exploring and exploiting the natural resources, which extend 200 nautical miles from the coast.

But China claims under the pretext of a map that was charted back in 1947. On the map, the south china sea is demarcated by 9 dashes, thus, the “9 Dash line claim of China”. It is very clear that such a claim goes against the UN Law of the Sea and China has no regard for it and does not plan to accept the law.

Countries Affected

Countries like Malaysia, Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam have conflicting views when it comes to the islands that are present in the South-China sea. Particularly Paracel and Spratly islands, there have been continuous disputes among the aforementioned countries over the control of these 2 Islands.

The reason is fairly simple, it is not the islands that are important but the EEZ that comes with them and with which comes oil as well as natural gas reserves. The matter has already been taken to the International Court by the Philippines which was ruled out in favour of the Philippines but China blatantly declined the decision of the court and kept claiming the islands for itself. More so to get hold of the south china sea, China is even determined to use military force, as it did in 2020 when it sank Vietnam's fishing vessel, china had also been busy building artificial islands in the region, a prime example of it is 'Mischief Island' and then turning them into military bases from which it operates and bullies other nation. As a result of China's aggressive expansion policy no nation has been able to set up petroleum rigs in the south china sea because the regional nations like Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam are all small economies with little military capability, thus, China actively exploits them.

Map depicting Parcel and Spratly Islands in South China sea and neighbouring nations.

How Can India Help?

To begin with, the Indian administration needs to focus more on its N-E region i.e. seven sisters and build roadways, railways and airports to ensure a proper and seamless commute and trade. Then there onward India needs to focus on its relationship with the ASEAN countries that as Brunei, Philippines, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia and Singapore, and initiate multiple development projects with the nations, similar to India-Myanmar Sittwe port deal which will eventually lead to connectivity from India's north-east to Southeast Asian nations, moving forward Indian oil companies need to partake in oil as well as natural gas extraction in the south china sea under a partnership with these countries. 

India being a powerful nation can easily counterbalance China's presence in the south china sea. Thus trade can prosper in the region and at the same time, China's expansion can be stopped, all along with the development of Southeast Asian nations.

Brahmos missile made is collaboration of India and Russia.
But this solution is for a long-term basis and will have uncertainties during its execution, thus for a short-term solution what needs to be done is to empower the southeast Asian nation, especially those with maritime boundaries close to china. To do so India can very well start by supplying weapons and technology to these countries, like India’s deal with the Philippines to supply Brahmos Missile, and similar deals can be initiated with Vietnam and Malaysia.

India can also offer its K series missile (Kalam missile) to Vietnam's navy to strengthen its fleet and as a payment, India can demand oil drilling rights in the EEZ of these nations, such a deal can benefit India as well ASEAN member nations.

This is my understanding of the situation, please share the post and be aware.


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