Agnipath scheme explained

Agnipath: Boon or Bane?

What is Agnipath? 
AGNIPATH, a new initiative by the Indian government for recruitment to the Indian Armed forces for the ranks less than that of an Officer for a term of 4 years from the age bracket of 17.5-21(now extended till 23 yrs only for 2022-23 recruitment). Personnel recruited under Agnipath will be known as AGNIVEERS and will be given attractive packages starting from 30k per month from the 1st year of the service and reach 40k by the 4th year and about 30% of it will be contributed to the Agniveer corpus fund for the duration of their service and after 4 years Agniveers will be paid a “SevaNidhi'' package of Rs 11.71 lacs (tax-free). Along with the package, all Agniveer will be given a non-contributory life insurance cover of Rs 48 lac for their duration in the armed forces, and in case of death next of kin 1 crore will be given which will include the pay of unserved tenure share the same amenities and facilities that are provided to the armed forces personnel excluding pension. 

Table showing Customised package for Agnipath scheme.

The Agnipath entry is introduced with the sole purpose to benefit the Indian armed forces and improve the profile of soldiers, airmen, and sailors in their respective wings. At present, the average age profile of the armed forces is in the bracket of 30-33 years, with the implementation of Agnipath the profile will improve and be brought down to around 25 years. This will not only introduce young and fresh blood to the armed forces but also armed forces personnel will be more apt to the technological advances. If we compare our present armed forces to the future forces after the implementation of Agnipath, our forces in the future will be more fit and physically capable as well as quick to adjust to the dynamic nature of the war in the future. Commotion in the nation After the Agnipath was introduced on the 14th of June, protests were sighted around various parts of the country led by army aspirants opposing the scheme and claiming the scheme to be immoral and unjust. Now understand this, protesting against the scheme is acceptable even constitutional but causing violence and damaging public property is not, it is a punishable act and the aspirants who partake in such activities were never worthy of joining the Indian armed forces or any other public service, to begin with. 

Future of Agniveers? 
These protestors questioned the future of the Agniveers, claiming only 4 years of service is unacceptable and after the end of the service period, Agniveers will be left without any security or chance of employment. Only an illiterate person will claim this, let me give an explanation. 
Scenario 1: A student completes 12th, looks for a college to pursue a bachelor's degree at the family's expense, and then looks for a job in the private sector or prepares for examinations like CDSE, CAPF, AFCAT, or any other. 
Scenario 2: A student completes 12th and joins forces through the Agnipath scheme, he pursues his graduation at the government's expense, gets selected among 25%, and continues to serve the nation. 
Scenario 3: A student completes 12th and joins forces through the Agnipath scheme, at the end of his 4-year service he receives a substantial amount which he uses as capital to start a business. 
Scenario 4: A student completes 12th and joins forces through the Agnipath scheme, at the end of his 4-year service he gets a substantial amount and reservation in paramilitary, state police, and ministry of defence and has a distinct resume as an Agniveer. 
Now tell me which is a better scenario: 1 or 2,3&4.

Improvements needed?
Yes, the scheme is not perfect and its execution is flawed, how so? The points I am going to mention are not my brainchild but a veteran's. 

Relaxation to the age limit, seeing that for the past 2 years there has been no recruitment, therefore an age relaxation will ensure that scheme is fair to the candidate who had lost their chance due to the pandemic. (already increased to 23 years for this recruitment cycle) 

Short points on eligibility, recruitment and key features of Agnipath scheme.
Increase the tenure of the service from 4 yrs to 5 yrs, with an exit point at the end of the 4th year. A 5-year service package is already tested and accepted therefore, increasing the tenure to 5 years is advisable.

Current recruitment scheme should be continued alongside Agnipath till 5th year and then discontinued, cause for next 4 years armed forces can recruit through old schemes and from 5th year top 25% of Agniveers should be re-recruited to fulfil operational needs of the armed forces. 

If these points are considered and changes are made to the Agnipath, it will not only benefit the armed forces but also put an end to all the violence and unrest caused by these so-called aspirants. 

Final verdict
Yes, Agnipath is the much-awaited change the armed forces needed, with this scheme Indian armed forces will become the fittest and youngest force, which will increase the force's operational capabilities. And yes mistakes were made during the implementation of the scheme, but if the above-mentioned points are implemented thoroughly all the misunderstandings will be cleared. And those who call themselves army aspirants, before an officer you are a gentleman, act like one.


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