Jerusalem Declaration Explained!

The white house statement and release

Jerusalem Declaration, in other words, The US-Israel Strategic Partnership was penned down by US president Joe Biden and Israel prime minister Yair Lipid. The declaration focuses on multiple standpoints, from international security to regional stability of the middle east to the nuclear threat posed by Iran.

 The US's commitments to Israel's national security include maintenance of qualitative military edge and strengthening Israel's capability to deter any unforeseen military threats. Above mentioned commitments are bipartisan, sacrosanct & vital to the US national security and an anchor to the regional stability in the middle-east. 

The current historic memorandum of understanding between the US and Israel amounts to $38 Billion followed by a memorandum of understanding of $1 Billion by the US in the niche of missile defence funding to prevent hostilities like the 11-day Hamas attack in May 2021. Declaration also prioritises Israel-US defence partnerships, especially high-energy laser weapon systems.

Other matters addressed were:

  • Promotion of Abraham accord.
  • Promotion of I2U2 to advance cooperation in economy and strategic infrastructure.
  • President Biden and PM Yair Lipid
    Reiterate concern on the ongoing war in Europe and the importance of continued humanitarian aid.
  • Bilateral cooperation and dialogue in science & technology, intelligence sharing, joint military exercises, climate change, food security, healthcare, AI and pandemic preparedness.
  • Improve Israel's passport by accelerating efforts to enable it in the US visa waiver program.


1967, the US installed Iran's first nuclear reactor with a 5MW capacity at the Tehran University campus and provided uranium(fuel core of nuclear reactor, particularly U235). After the Iranian revolution in 1979 relations between the two states deteriorated. US designated Iran, as state-sponsored terrorism in 1984 after which Iran made a $300 Million deal with AQ Khan to get the prints of centrifuge design and materials for a nuclear bomb. Fast-forwarding to 2015, the JCPOA (Joint comprehensive plan of action, aka, Iran Nuclear deal) was signed by the US, UK, China, Russia, France and Germany with Iran to dismantle a few nuclear programs and open Iran's nuclear plant for inspection by IAEA (International atomic energy agency) in return of waiver of sanctions imposed on Iran. But the US bailed out of the agreement in 2018 and in 2020 the US assassinated Iranian Major General Quassem Solemani after which Iran released a statement to do away with the limit of uranium enrichment.


US vs Iran depicted.
Iran's oil & natural gas resources paired with an arsenal of nuclear weapons and aggressive regional diplomacy can uproot the regional stability of the middle-east and start a nuclear arms race. Iran can dictate the terms of the international oil market and supply the much sensitive nuclear weapons and information to terrorist and extremist organisations like Hamas and Hizbullah, putting Israel at most risk. A comment such as "Israel should be wiped off from the map" is typical coming from Iranian leaders. As a result, causing security risks to the US, Europe, their allies and the entire global economy.


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