China-Taiwan News!

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Taiwan struggling with China's air incursions, fears a military takeover

China-Taiwan tensions are at an all-time high, civilians are terrified, governments are in overdrive, and the global market is tense. The United States deployed aircraft carriers, and China counter-deployed to answer and warned US repercussions of further actions. This post will be a follow-up to understand how Taiwan is a separate entity. Why does the US support Taiwan? or why does China claim it? Check out the previous post here. I will be explaining the above-mentioned points as per the requirement in short briefs.

Here we will be discussing the present situation, Taiwan's porcupine strategy and America's Island chain Strategy. Let us begin!


It all began with Nancy Pelosi speaker of the United States House of Representatives visiting Taiwan on 2nd August, it would have been a regular delegation but the visit was not scheduled through the Chinese administration but directly with the present Taiwan administration. After this Chinese embassy in India warned the US of the repercussion of actions that threatens China's 'One Nation' theory. Thus, the US military deployed aircraft carriers Renal Reagan and Abraham Lincon in close vicinity of Taiwan in the Pacific, to which China answered with a counter deployment.

Nancy Pelosi speaker of the US House of Representatives and Taiwan's representative.
Nancy Pelosi speaker of the US House of Representatives and Taiwan's representative

Currently, China is surrounding Taiwan, and PLA is conducting important military exercises and training drills as reported by China's government mouthpiece Global Times. As a result, Taiwan's ports and waterways are blocked till the duration of the exercises. China had also put sanctions on Taiwan's agricultural products and the import of Chinese sand by Taiwan. But the immediate threat posed by China is to Taiwan's airspace or Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) which had already faced 623 air incursions done by the Chinese Air Force, next target is Taiwan's water routes to cut out the supply, help and communications in case a small scale conflict becomes imminent.

Missile drills conducted by China.

China is already showcasing its military dominance over Taiwan by using DF5D missiles, a Short range nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. China had already fired 11 of these missiles under the pretext of missile drills, missiles are being launched from the China mainland and aimed into the Pacific, i.e. East of Taiwan meaning the missiles are crossing through Taiwan's airspace raising alarms far and wide in Taiwan. This is not precedent, in the year 1995-96 a similar missile drill and military exercise was conducted in the region of Taiwan straight, back then theUS defended Taiwan and the standoff stretched for 8 months. As a result, Taiwan nationals demanded Nancy Pelosi leave Taiwan, in fear that the US may use Taiwan as the next springboard for its agenda against China.

 DF5D missiles fired by China into the water bodies around Taiwan.
Missile drills conducted by China


Originally it was introduced by US Naval War College Research professor William S. Murray in 2008. The strategy is explained as a strategy of asymmetric warfare focused on fortifying a weak state's defences to exploit the enemy's weakness rather than taking on its strengths. It was introduced by Lee Hsi-Ming, chief of Taiwan's military forces in 2017 as the 'Overall Defence Concept'.

As per the overall defence concept, Taiwan instead of purchasing tanks, warships and naval vessels which are hard to conceal Taiwan procured portable Javelin and Stinger systems along with mine laying ships that are capable of deployment in a matter of minutes. The plan of action is to deal as much damage to Chinese naval ships and troops that may approach Taiwan so that China is discouraged to pursue any attacks.

Taiwan's Mine Laying Ship details.
Taiwan's Mine Laying Ship details

CHINA TAIWAN, America's Island chain Strategy

Taiwan straight is one of the major global trade routes with almost 20% of the global trade passing through it. The island chain strategy focuses primarily on controlling, navigating and keeping a close eye on China's trade route that goes through Taiwan straight, East China sea and South China sea. It is quite imperative for the West to maintain its influence in the region, especially in the island nations with close proximity to China.

There are 2 Island Chains established for the abovementioned purpose:

  • Chain 1- Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Brunei & Borneo.
  • Chian 2- Japan, Guam & West Papua
Image showing geographical location of the First and Second Island Chain along with Nine-dash line, Paracel islands, Spratly islands.

These island chains are a strategic maritime containment plan conceived by an American foreign policy statesman ~ John Foster. With objectives like cordoning off, pressure building, strategic military build-up and economic leverage as the top priority.

CHINA TAIWAN, the possibility of a small-scale war?

China-Taiwan armed forces comparison in terms of Total active force, tanks aircrafts, submarines, naval ships and artillery.

The probability of a war is never zero and seeing such tensions between the nations a small-scale war is a possibility. The immediate impact of such conflict will be on the semiconductor and electronics industry. Taiwan is the global leader when it comes to the production of semiconductor chips. China is Taiwan’s largest exporter so much so that China spends more on semiconductor chips imported from Taiwan than it spends on oil. TSMC is the largest exporter of semiconductor chips to meet the global demand, with an active conflict on Taiwanese soil these companies will not be able to continue with the production, resulting in a supply deficit that will eventually push the prices of any electronics that utilizes a semiconductor chip through the roof.

TSMC revenue by market share compared with other countries company in the market.
TSMC revenue by market share

CHINA TAIWAN, conclusion

If you had read my post on the Russia-Ukraine war, you can surely spot the resemblance here, certain markers that can help to evaluate the situation at hand and scrutinises both the conflict zones, like China giving continuous warnings, military buildup, continuous military exercises in the border region, acquisition of strategic locations under the pretext of drills, all of it followed a similar pattern to that of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. With nothing but one element in common the US and its deep state policy to remain in power.

The consequences will be dire, studying past events and pairing them with the current pandemic, Europe energy crisis and global food crisis, every household is to be affected adversely irrespective of its location on the globe.

This was my understanding of the present situation surrounding China and Taiwan. Do like, share and comment your views.


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